Master’s in Teaching, Education and Training (MEEF) – Practices and Management of Education (PIF) – Specialization in Teacher Training (FDF)



The Master’s in MEEF PIF-FDF is the product of a partnership made by École Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation de Paris, Sorbonne University (Paris 4 and Paris 6), Sorbonne Nouvelle University (Paris 3) and the universities that make up Université Paris Cité, namely Paris Descartes (Paris 5) and Paris Diderot (Paris 7).

Rooted in a program led by specialized professors of education and practitioners with hands-on experience, the specialization offers students high-level courses, the chance to pursue additional certifications (CAFIPEMP or CAFFA, based on students’ professional trajectory) and more broadly, the opportunity to gain skills to hold positions related to education, assessment and management in educational institutions.

The teaching offered is based on fundamental scientific research in education and pedagogy. It is in line with changes in the field and follows current issues in the education system.




 The PIF-FDF specialization is geared at training teachers, other academic staff and future management staff. It aims at contributing to the professional development of trainers in the areas mentioned in the Professional Skills for Teacher Trainers reference document (French Official Bulletin of July 23, 2015).

 Admission Criteria :

Teachers in primary or secondary education with five years of professional teaching experience in a public or private institution.


How to Apply

Apply through the ESPE de Paris website.

